Fun stuff

kai's picture

Road trip to Moab, UT

Catherine and I took a road trip to Moab, UT for a short vacation.  I ran a half-marathon while I was there along highway 128.  The highway runs inside of an amazing red rock canyon along the Colorado river.  The photo to the left is me waiting for the run to start.  There were 4999 other people waiting behind me.

Danville weekend included legends and flat tires.

I had a very nice time in Danville last weekend visiting everyone at the Yen house!  I started out with a tour of the house, and was impressed with Jessica's and Rebecca's super neat rooms!  Then a tour of the yard and rabbit-ville, and a few rounds of penguin town games.

On Saturday, we went out for a great Chinese lunch and I was told the legend of the fountain outside the restaurant.  Just ask Rebecca  and Jessica about the legend next time you are there for lunch. 

Trip to Maui

Just got back from Hawaii.  I flew over to celebrate GB's 85th birthday.  After arriving on Oahu, I stayed one night at the Will's house at Hoku, then flew over to Maui with GB the next day.  The 30 minute plane ride is really fun because you can see other Hawaiian islands as you fly over.  GB and I stayed in a first floor condo right on the ocean in Maui for 5 days. 

Kai's visit in Danville

I will tell you what we did with Kai when he visited us in Danville. When Kai arrive from San Francisco (he had to work at his office there for a while) we went to pick him up at BART. Then we drove home. At home we just hung around, talked, and things like that. (nothing special) The next morning we woke up at about, 8:00. The night before we had decided that we were going to go to the exploratorium  today. So we got up, got dressed and stuff, and went downstairs. After talking a little bit we had breakfast. Then we finally left.

Our trip to SF

Rebecca and I just came back from San Francisco! We had lots of fun! On the first day, after
Rebecca and I had been dropped off by Mommy and Daddy in San Francisco, Sue May, Rebecca, Big
Davey and I went inside a hotel and we looked at a map of San Francisco, then we walked around.
After Mommy and Daddy found a parking spot, we walked to a Chinese restaurant and had lunch there.
After lunch, we picked up our backpacks and we drove somewhere. (I will not tell about our trip to

kai's picture

Twitter is fun

I came across this a few weeks ago but just got around to signing up.  It's Twitter and it's a place you can shoot a quick note to say what you're currently doing.  Your friends and family can then look at your Twitter page to see what you're up to.  You can see what I've been up to by checking my twitter page or see it below:

Still life with dry goods

As you all may have noticed, I have made several contributions to the recipe section over the past few weeks.  Although the recipes may seem to be random, there is indeed a method to my madness!  Basically, I am just trying to reduce the amount of dry goods in my pantry before the summer.  How exciting indeed!

So now you see:  dry chickpeas => hummus, ww pastry flour => waffles, cocoa powder => chocolate cupcakes, canned coconut milk => squash with coconut milk, etc.

kai's picture

Quick trip to SF

Like tons of other bloggers do every day, I'm sitting at the SFO airport writing this blog entry.  It's Saturday night and I'm just finishing a quick three day trip from LA to SF- two days in my office and one day with the twins.  We created our own "photo booth" and snapped a few quick pics of ourselves.  The other pics were the girls' attempt to capture the "real" fluffy.  I think they did a pretty good job.

Hawaii for Mother's Day

Guess what... I'm going to spend Mother's Day with GB this year.  I had promised her I'd zip over after my project was finished, so I thought Mother's Day would really be nice.  I'm looking forward to taking her and Ann and Jim out for a special Mother's Day Brunch at one of the nice hotels.   Well, you guys heading over in June, don't worry, I'll save you plenty of shave ice!  (I'll be there May 12-17th.)

Tax Man

Well, Mr Johnson (J.J.) out-did himself this year. He remembered me and remembered that I had "several" boys that came to his office and who liked music.  Then he asked why he hadn't met my daughter.  What a memory.   My appointment took only 5 hours, his charge was slightly less than last year, and the tax return was slighter better this year.  Hurray!!  But  there was NOTHING to eat.  I should have packed a snack.

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