Our trip to SF

Rebecca and I just came back from San Francisco! We had lots of fun! On the first day, after
Rebecca and I had been dropped off by Mommy and Daddy in San Francisco, Sue May, Rebecca, Big
Davey and I went inside a hotel and we looked at a map of San Francisco, then we walked around.
After Mommy and Daddy found a parking spot, we walked to a Chinese restaurant and had lunch there.
After lunch, we picked up our backpacks and we drove somewhere. (I will not tell about our trip to
SF in that much detail from now on.) After Mommy and Daddy left, we watched an outdoor play.

Here are the main things we did on our 6 day trip to San Francisco. On the second day we went to
Golden Gate Park.  We went to the gardens and visited the Conservatory of Flowers. We even saw
carnivorous plants there!  Then we decided on a picnic spot and we had a picnic. Sue May's friend
Mark was supposed to meet us there but he didn't wake up until 4 o'clock so he missed the picnic!
Later we played with the frisbie and we got it stuck in the blackberry bush but we got it out in
the end! Later that week, we went to Golden Gate Park again and saw the rose gardens. We also
rented bikes, saw the bison, rode by the Japanese tea gardens, and finally we played at the very
first children's playground in the United States! It was SO fun! One night we also went to a fancy
French restaurant and had escargots(snails)! They were REALLY good! They were better than I
thought they would be! We also went to a Mexican place one night, (obviously)
and had really good burritos! After that we went to a good home made ice cream place. They had all
kinds of different flavors, and it was yummy! We also went to a different home made ice cream
place on another day. It was also good. We got to walk up Lombard street too. It was pretty steep!
It was also covered in flowers! We went to a Turkish restaurant on our last day in San Francisco.
It was GOOD and YUMMY!  We also did lots of other fun things! We had a lot of fun in San


Wow! That does sound like fun.

I wish I could have gone with you.  It sounds like you did a lot of eating!  I saw the cookie recipe that Sue May posted.  I bet they were good.

This is my reply to you!

The cookies were REALLY good!

You obviously (!!) had fun.

Nice to hear all about your trip to SF.  Were the burritos as good as Pacos?

This is my reply to you!

We had LOTS of fun! The burritos were pretty good!