jessica's blog

Kai's visit in Danville

I will tell you what we did with Kai when he visited us in Danville. When Kai arrive from San Francisco (he had to work at his office there for a while) we went to pick him up at BART. Then we drove home. At home we just hung around, talked, and things like that. (nothing special) The next morning we woke up at about, 8:00. The night before we had decided that we were going to go to the exploratorium  today. So we got up, got dressed and stuff, and went downstairs. After talking a little bit we had breakfast. Then we finally left.

Our trip to SF

Rebecca and I just came back from San Francisco! We had lots of fun! On the first day, after
Rebecca and I had been dropped off by Mommy and Daddy in San Francisco, Sue May, Rebecca, Big
Davey and I went inside a hotel and we looked at a map of San Francisco, then we walked around.
After Mommy and Daddy found a parking spot, we walked to a Chinese restaurant and had lunch there.
After lunch, we picked up our backpacks and we drove somewhere. (I will not tell about our trip to

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