kai's blog

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Road trip to Moab, UT

Catherine and I took a road trip to Moab, UT for a short vacation.  I ran a half-marathon while I was there along highway 128.  The highway runs inside of an amazing red rock canyon along the Colorado river.  The photo to the left is me waiting for the run to start.  There were 4999 other people waiting behind me.

kai's picture

Twitter is fun

I came across this a few weeks ago but just got around to signing up.  It's Twitter and it's a place you can shoot a quick note to say what you're currently doing.  Your friends and family can then look at your Twitter page to see what you're up to.  You can see what I've been up to by checking my twitter page or see it below:

kai's picture

Running on Santa Cruz Island

This weekend my running club is going to Santa Cruz island for a 12-mile trail run.  Santa Cruz island is the largest island of the  Channel Islands National Park and is off the coast of Ventura.  I've never been to any of the islands off the coast of California so am really excited about the trip. 

kai's picture

Quick trip to SF

Like tons of other bloggers do every day, I'm sitting at the SFO airport writing this blog entry.  It's Saturday night and I'm just finishing a quick three day trip from LA to SF- two days in my office and one day with the twins.  We created our own "photo booth" and snapped a few quick pics of ourselves.  The other pics were the girls' attempt to capture the "real" fluffy.  I think they did a pretty good job.

kai's picture

Going to SF

I'm going up to SF on Thursday morning (Mar 8) for a conference and will be stopping by to see my dad (Tim), Zehui and the twins on Friday and Saturday.  I'm not sure what we're going to do, but I hope we get a chance to stop by the authentic Sichuan restaurant I love.  The food is nothing like anything I have tasted anywhere else.  I can't wait!!!  I'll post photos of the trip when I get back.

kai's picture

Submitting photos

After Jenny submitted that great pic of the girls on Valentine's Day, I realized that the photos weren't showing up on the home page.  I made some changes and now the latest photos show up in the right column.  If you have just a couple of photos to upload at a time you can use the "Add Something" menu on the left to add them.  If you want to upload a whole bunch of photos there is a super easy way using Windows Web Publishing Wizard...

kai's picture

How to post video content

Google made it super easy for anyone to post video content anywhere.  I created the following video using some scanned photos and Windows Movie Maker that comes built-in all computers with Windows XP.  You could just as easily do the same with home movies or other clips.  Click the > button below to play the video.  There is audio so turn up the volume.  All of these photos are also in the photos section of this site.

kai's picture

First blog entry here

I hope everyone enjoys this site.  I created it so that everyone can share family news, events, photos, recipes and more. 

Some time ago, I started posting photos to another site.  I also had a blog site and several other sites- all with related information.  I had thought about creating a family site but didn't have the time to do a lot of custom programming and didn't know of any tools that would provide enough features to be able to tie all these items together.  I gave up on the idea for a while.

One day much later, I sent a link for my photo site to Sue May and she suggested I create a way to share recipes.  I knew there had to be a system that could drive all the features I wanted and started thinking about it again.

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