Kai's visit in Danville

I will tell you what we did with Kai when he visited us in Danville. When Kai arrive from San Francisco (he had to work at his office there for a while) we went to pick him up at BART. Then we drove home. At home we just hung around, talked, and things like that. (nothing special) The next morning we woke up at about, 8:00. The night before we had decided that we were going to go to the exploratorium  today. So we got up, got dressed and stuff, and went downstairs. After talking a little bit we had breakfast. Then we finally left. At the exploratorium we  saw the earth  exibits. Then we went to the eye and seeing exibits. It was really cool. After that we went to the hearing and sound exibits, the electricity exibits, and others. They were all really fun! Somewhere in the middle we had lunch, then somewhere at the end we had a snack. (I will tell the rest really briefly now) The next day we went to hike at Mount Diablo. There we went to the visitors center and hiked a lot. After that we we went to get a new game that we could play. We got two games. They are phase10 and skip-bo. When we got home we played skip-bo for a few games and went to bed. The next day we just played the games we got. The day after that we went to get bikes and tried them out. We are planning to ride our bikes to school. Later in the evening we rode to the school and rode back. The next day Kai had to leave. :(