Trip to Maui

Just got back from Hawaii.  I flew over to celebrate GB's 85th birthday.  After arriving on Oahu, I stayed one night at the Will's house at Hoku, then flew over to Maui with GB the next day.  The 30 minute plane ride is really fun because you can see other Hawaiian islands as you fly over.  GB and I stayed in a first floor condo right on the ocean in Maui for 5 days. 
What's to see on Maui?  I visited a Whaling Museum that had some great history of whaling back in the 1800's.  The whalers had a hard life on the whaling boats.  They were at sea for 3-4 years at a time and received less than $100 for all their hard work.
Maui has an extinct crater in the center of the island.  You can take a drive up to the crater.  The roads are exceptionally good so travel is easy.  Along the way to the "up country", there is a lavendar farm.  Aunty Ann flew over for a day and arranged a tour for the three of us at the lavendar farm.  We enjoyed lavendar scones and tea before our walk around the farm while their horticulturist told us all about the differences between English, French and Spanish lavendar.
The beaches in Maui have white sand and the ocean is very calm, in fact, so calm that I didn't see any surfing, just boogey boarding!