Quick trip to SF

kai's picture

Like tons of other bloggers do every day, I'm sitting at the SFO airport writing this blog entry.  It's Saturday night and I'm just finishing a quick three day trip from LA to SF- two days in my office and one day with the twins.  We created our own "photo booth" and snapped a few quick pics of ourselves.  The other pics were the girls' attempt to capture the "real" fluffy.  I think they did a pretty good job.

With such a quick trip, we didn't get a chance to do much, but did get in a few games of Kazink and Uno .  I also got to see the girls' current favorite web site, Club Penguin.


Will the real Fluffy please strand up on all fours?

I like that close up of Fluffy's face, it sure looks like the real Fluffster to me.