How to post video content

kai's picture

Google made it super easy for anyone to post video content anywhere.  I created the following video using some scanned photos and Windows Movie Maker that comes built-in all computers with Windows XP.  You could just as easily do the same with home movies or other clips.  Click the > button below to play the video.  There is audio so turn up the volume.  All of these photos are also in the photos section of this site.

Here are the steps required to post a video like the one above:

1.  Create a video using Windows Movie maker from photos or video clips downloaded from your camcorder.  To create the video file select File | Save Movie file as..." and then select "My Computer" and "Best Quality".  You should end up with a WMV file.

2.  Go to and login with your GMail account.  If you don't have a GMail account e-mail me and I will send you an invitation.  Registration is free but by invite only.  I have lots of invites available.

3.  Click the "Upload your video" link and follow the instructions to upload your video.  Select "unlisted" for the access.

4.  Once the video is posted to Google and you are one the page that displays the video, click the blue button in the right column labeled "Email Blog Post to My Space".  Then click the link that says "Embed HTML".  This will show you the code you need to place in your post.  Highlight it and copy to the clipboard.

5.  Create a blog entry here and type up the text you want to go into the entry.  When you are ready to insert the video, click the Source button in the text editor toolbar, which will change the text into HTML.  Then paste in the code from Google.  Click the Source button again to get back to regular mode.  You should see your video embedded. 

6.  Click submit and it will be saved. to your blog.

It may sound a litle complicated, but after you do a couple, it will seem easy.  If you have questions let me know.