Winter Squash in Coconut Milk


Winter Squash in Coconut Milk
Source: NY Times

Time: 30 minutes, plus cooling
Yield: 4 servings


1 1/2 pounds dense-fleshed winter squash, like butternut, peeled, seeded and cut into big chunks
2        tablespoons butter (optional)
3        cups (2 cans) coconut milk
1/2     cup brown sugar, or to taste
Pinch salt
1/2     teaspoon pure vanilla extract


1. In a saucepan, combine squash, butter, coconut milk, sugar and salt and bring to a slow boil. Cook, stirring, until squash is very tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Cool to room temperature or refrigerate.

2. Just before serving, stir in vanilla. Purée mixture in a blender or leave it chunky; serve cold or at room temperature.

  • Cook it uncovered so that the coconut milk can reduce a little.
  • I would recommend either leaving the chunks of squash whole (i.e. don't mash them up) or pureeing it in a blender or food processor.  I pureed mined and after chilling it was the consistency of thin yogurt.  I think I would have preferred it chunky. 



I didn't know what to expect when I made this but the combination of ingredients sounded intriguing (and I happened to have everything on hand) so I couldn't resist.  It tastes pretty good and I like the fact that it's full of squash! 

I'm actually eating it right now for dessert topped with some vanilla granola.  And I'll probably eat it for breakfast tomorrow the same way!