Welsh Rarebit (the best late night snack ever!)


Welsh Rarebit
From Mark Bittman, NY Times


2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon flour
1 big pinch cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons dried mustard (or 1 Tablespoon of prepared dijon mustard)
1/2 bottle (~ 3/4 cup) of dark beer (Guinness stout is best)
1 Tablespoon Worcheshire sauce
4 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese (or any other good British/Irish hard cheese)
Good sliced bread


In a saucepan, heat butter over medium heat until it stops bubbling.  Add flour and stir well until a light golden brown.  Add the cayenne and the mustard and stir until all lumps are gone.  Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk over low heat until cheese is fully melted and slightly thickened.  Take off the heat and set aside (the mixture will thicken more as it cools).  You can refrigerate the cheese mixture at this point for several days.

Turn on the oven broiler.  To make the toast, put slices of bread on a baking sheet and put under the broiler.  Watch carefully so you don't burn the toast!  Brown both sides of the bread and remove from oven.

Spread a generous amount of the cheese mixture on one side of each slice of toast.  Put back under the broiler until bubbling, brown, and oozing.  It will be very hot so don't burn your tongue when you eat it!  



You can watch the video here:



I'm not sure if it's true

I'm not sure if it's true but...  I heard a story that Welsh Rarebit used to be Welsh Rabbit and was named that as an insult to the Welsh by the English.  The idea was that the Welsh were so dumb that if you named cheese sauce on toast "rabbit", they would actually believe they were eating rabbit.  Wikipedia has something similar about Welsh Rarebit.

yeah, it's good

OK, I had posted this recipe before actually trying it because it just sounded so good.  Last night I made it for dinner (to accompany a simple salad) and we found it to be very tasty indeed.  In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we had some for breakfast the next day!