Roasted Vegetable Salad with Warm Balsamic Dressing


Bunch asparagas
4-5 small zucchini
1 onion
Bunch broccolini (baby broccoli)
1 each red, yellow and orange bell pepper (for color)
1/4 cup toasted walnuts
(You can add or substiture any vegetable you like)
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 
1-2 cloves garlic, smashed
crumbled gorgonzola 
Wash and cut all the vegetables in 3-4 inch pieces.  Pat dry.  Put altogether into big bowl and season with drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper.  Spread on baking sheet and roast in oven (350 F) for about 30 minutes.  Remove and let cool to room temperature.
While veggies are roasting, fry garlic in olive oil until tender (over low heat so garlic doesn't burn).  Remove the garlic and pour the oil into temporary bowl.  Put the vinegar into the pan to boil a few minutes - reduce balsamic vinegar to about half.  

Return oil to pan with reduced vinegar and wisk to combine.  You can add a bit of salt and pepper, but this is optional.
Just before serving, combine the vegetables in a salad bowl with the warm balsamic dressing.  Toss in the walnuts and crumbled gorgonzola.


I made this salad last night and thought it turned out pretty good.  The warm balsamic vinegar dressing is from Rachael Ray's show.  She uses it on a spicy green mix of arugula, radicchio and escarole.